Key Vote YES on Full Year Continuing Appropriation Act

Dear Representative,

On behalf of over a million FreedomWorks members nationwide, I urge you to vote YES on H.R. 1 the Full Year Continuing Appropriation Act to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year. On March 4th, the current continuing resolution will expire. This will be an excellence opportunity to pass a more fiscally responsible spending resolution. The proposed continuing resolution is the largest discretionary spending cut in American history. As it currently stands, the continuing resolution has $106 billion in cuts which includes terminating 115 needless programs, rescinding some “stimulus” funds and eliminates all earmarks.

The continuing resolution is open to an amendment process and more cuts can be proposed. We applaud the House leadership for bringing the continuing resolution to the floor under such an open process. House Republican Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) states that there is no limit to the number of amendments that any member can offer. I urge you to submit even more spending cut amendments to the continuing resolution to help reduce the deficit. It is urgent that Washington reins in excessive spending today.

The American people are counting on you. During the November elections, they overwhelmingly voted for lawmakers who pledged to roll back spending. The current continuing resolution which cuts $106 billion is a good start. In the Pledge to America, House Republicans promised to cut at least $100 billion from the budget. While I commend House Republicans for meeting the original goal, I hope that you make an effort to exceed this savings number. With the national debt at over $14 trillion, it’s time to take action to change the spending culture in Washington. 

We will count your vote on H.R. 1 the Full Year Continuing Appropriation Act as a KEY VOTE when calculating the FreedomWorks Economic Freedom Scorecard for 2011. The Economic Freedom Scorecard is used to determine eligibility for the Jefferson Award, which recognizes members of Congress with voting records that support economic freedom.


Matt Kibbe
President and CEO 
[Click here for a pdf version of this letter.]