CAFE Kills

The New York Times is thrilled with Congress’s new energy bill. And, as usual, they get it wrong. Among other things, they tout its inclusion of new, more stringent CAFE standards.

The bill’s centerpiece, negotiated over the weekend by House leaders, is the first meaningful increase in fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks, including S.U.V.’s, in more than 30 years. The provision would raise average fuel economy standards from 25 miles per gallon today to 35 miles per gallon in 2020.

Only one problem. Apparently, no one has ever told the Grey Lady’s editorial board that CAFE standards kill people.

That’s right. This isn’t just some abstract regulatory issue. As CEI’s Sam Kazman tells, “According to the National Academy of Sciences 2002 study of CAFE, this downsizing effect contributes to about 2,000 deaths per year.”

And the program has been going on for about three decades. You do the math. Meanwhile, the New York Times editorial board applauds.