The Corner Wonders Why Michael Gerson is Called a Conservative

I’m apparently not the only one who found Gerson’s column this morning so irritating.  Over at the Corner, Jonah Goldberg, Mark Krikorian, and Andrew Stuttaford each take turns thwacking him.

Mark: "I’m a relatively big-tent kind of guy, but Gerson’s not even within sight of the tent."

Andrew: The column is a "combination of straw men argumentation and pulpit chit-chat."

Jonah: "As with Crunchy Conservatism, I remain pretty exasperated with the straw man claim that the conservative movement and Republican party are overrun with anarcho-capitalists. Any objective accounting of the last decade would find it hard to argue that "compassionate conservatives," the religious right and so-called neoconservatives have lacked in any influence over the direction of the conservative movement and the Republican Party."