FreedomWorks Responds to U.N. Climate Deal in Paris: Radical Environmentalism Undermines Human Progress

Following news reports that a deal has been reached on a global climate change accord at the United Nations conference in Paris, FreedomWorks National Director of Grassroots Noah Wall commented:

“Barack Obama is going to have a tough time selling this climate deal to the Senate. Congress has already passed resolutions of disapproval rebuking his radical environmentalist agenda, which include heavy regulations for coal-fired power plants and energy efficiency standards for vehicles. These regulations come with a hefty price tag for consumers. The EPA’s anti-coal regulations, by the agency’s own admission, will cost more than $8 billion each year. Others put the cost significantly higher, with annual estimates ranging from $29 billion to $39 billion.”

“Innovation in all sectors of the economy has led to human achievement and prosperity. What is happening in Paris will undermine this progress and leave consumers worse off.”

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