Global Warming in Space!

Hillary Clinton is a global warming space cadet. No, really!

Mrs. Clinton, a leading Democratic presidential candidate, also committed herself to a space-based climate research project to combat global warming and pledged to spend $50 billion on fighting climate change and finding energy alternatives to foreign oil.

Is there any way this is a good idea? Doubtful.  Federal funding into alternative fuels hasn’t produced much to date other than a lot of extra corn in ag states. And politically, it doesn’t seem too swift either. I know global warming is one of those hot button issues the liberal elites love to push, but voters, well, not so much. What they do care about, though, is wasteful spending. The Wall Street Journal reported this morning that 70% of voters think that wasteful spending is "one of the biggest problems in Washington." And yet Clinton continues to propose programs, like this one and her $110 billion health-care plan, that persist in racking up more and more spending.