Governor-Elect Kulongoski Considers Tax Increase on Oregon Consumers

The Oregonian’s December 10 issue carried a lead story concerning Gov.-elect Kulongoski’s recent economic forum in which it reported that the Oregon business community strongly advocated for a sales tax. The same article also reported that Kulonogski and the business community had agreed to work quickly to double the state’s vehicle registration fee. This is typical of The Oregonian’s reporting – focusing on the things that it’s editorial board supports while ignoring the rest of the story. The business community agreed to host this economic summit with the understanding that before there would be any consideration of a sales tax in Oregon, the following would be enacted: real PERS reform, serious cuts in government spending, introduction of baseline budgeting, elimination of capital gains taxes and cutting property taxes. Then and only then would the business community consider seriously supporting a sales tax. Although Kulonogski pays lip service to the idea that state government should focus on cost-cutting before raising taxes, it is evident from his campaign and recent pronouncements that he will continue to be an advocate for larger government, higher taxes and more governmental intrusion into the lives of all Oregonians.

The Economic Forum was billed as the Oregon Leadership Summit with the purpose of developing a recovery plan for Oregon. However, it is evident from the outcome that the liberal establishment does not understand the pain that the average Oregonian is feeling as a result of our current economic slump. It is equally important to know that the support for a sales tax was contingent on the above-mentioned reforms and was not the recipient of the spontaneous enthusiasm as reported by The Oregonian. It is typical of The Oregonian and the liberal establishment to ignore good suggestions in favor of their own liberal agenda.

It is extremely vital that we do not believe the hype coming from the liberal establishment and Kulongoski – their aim has always been and will continue to be, to increase government spending, programs and taxes! In the same way, CSE will continue to vigilantly to oppose more spending and higher taxes – advocating instead for less from government!