Legislative Update: Senate

Senate Floor

The Senate may proceed to debate (S 2557) a bill that would attempt to reduce U.S. dependency on foreign oil.

Senate Committees

Tuesday, September 26

Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs

HUD Management Review- The Housing and Transportation Subcommittee will hold a hearing on performance management at the Department of Housing and Urban Development Dirksen 538- 10:30am

Commerce, Science & Transportation

Amtrak Oversight- The Full Committee will hold a hearing on the progress that Amtrak has made in becoming self-supporting, focusing on a GAO report released last week. Russell 253- 9:30am

Energy & Natural Resources

Winter Fuel Supply Outlook- The full committee will hold an oversight hearing on the current outlook for supply of heating and transportation fuels this winter. Dirksen 366- 9:30am

Wednesday, September 27

Environment & Public Works

Clean Air Act- The Clean Air, Wetlands, Private Property and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee will hold a hearing on the reauthorization of the Clean Air Act. Dirksen- 2:15pm

Thursday, September 28

Energy & Natural Resources

Kyoto Protocol and Climate Change- The committee will hold a joint oversight hearing on climate change and the status of the Kyoto Protocol after three years. Dirksen 419- 2:30pm