MArtin Seniors Must Like County’s “Spending Spree”

Republicans in the U.S. Congress have been labeled “tax collectors for the welfare state.” Republican commissioners in Martin County should be called “tax collectors for the special interests.” Realtors, developers and their allied interests want you to pay more property, sales and gas taxes to pay for golf courses, parks and roundabouts to enhance their development values.

If you ask our commissioners why our taxes are increasing faster than the rate for medical care, they respond with a litany of good things (like Martha Stewart says) they are doing for you. Surprise: they actually just want to buy your vote.

A recent study showed that our county’s high median income is concentrated among our senior citizenry. If seniors continue to support this spending spree, the legacy they leave future generations will be a county in Jupiter Island’s image with no sustainable housing or job opportunities.

If you like that scenario, please send in extra money with your water and property bills. But please do not expect the rest of us to applaud you.

Ray Adams

Citizens For A Sound Economy

Palm City