North Carolina FreedomWorks Takes on Annexation

Freedom Works activists from across North Carolina joined approximately 300 other North Carolinians at the General Assembly in Raleigh for a legislative committee hearing on forced annexation. Speakers were very passionate and spoke with great conviction about the failure of government to protect the property rights of citizens of NC.

Most of the citizens were asking Legislators to repeal the current annexation laws wherein citizens being annexed have no voice in the process. They are being forcibly annexed without a vote of the people as well as by officials that they are not allowed to vote for. Taxation without representation has never had it so good.

The only speakers who were at the meeting in favor of the current annexation process were city officials, representatives from the League of Municipalities and one executive from Boddie-Noell (Hardee's owners). We found it interesting that there were no individual citizens in favor of the current process, only officials and representatives who have much to gain from forcibly annexing citizens.

The consensus appeared to be unanimous from those opposing the current system that there is no benefit for the citizens being annexed. In many cases, city services will not even be used.

Citizens against forced annexation vowed to continue this fight. Legislators on the committee certainly learned how the citizens felt about the usurpation of their freedom to live where they choose rather than where officials force them to live.