Photos: North Carolina FreedomWorks Fights for Property Rights

Last week, North Carolina FreedomWorks collected 160 signatures, which included Congressman Charles Taylor (R-N.C.), as part of its petition to the North Carolina legislature to protect property rights after the egregious Kelo v. New London Supreme Court decision. It’s just the beginning of the campaign– great work so far guys!

Over 160 people signed our petition (crowd shot) at the Columbia Forest Products Annual Dinner for their loggers in Marion, North Carolina. Speakers were Congressman Charles taylor, State Sen. Keith Presnell, State Rep. Mitch Gillespie. Rep. Gillespie said that FreedomWorks was the only group fighting for property rights in NC and that we were the ones that help stopped Stream Buffers in NC a couple years ago and ask the people to sign our petition!

Activist Jeff Driebus convinces Congressman Charles Taylor to sign our petition.

Activist Jean Saylor and State Rep. Mitch Gillespie

FreedomWorks Info table at the Columbia Forest Products Annual Dinner, being manned by members Dawn Driebus and Shirley Washburn