Rein in the Trial Lawyers

April 22, 2003

The Honorable Bill Frist

Senate Majority Leader

S-230 Capitol Building

Washington, DC 20510-7010

Dear Majority Leader Frist,

On April 10, 2003, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved bipartisan legislation, S. 274, the “Class Action Fairness Act of 2003.” Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE) supports this important civil justice reform measure, and on behalf of CSE’s 280,000 members, I urge you to expedite this bill for Senate consideration.

The Judiciary Committee’s action recognizes the significant need for Congress to advance civil justice reform during this legislative session. The clear bipartisan support for S. 274, as evidenced by its Democratic co-sponsors, provides the Senate an opportunity to address this issue, which heretofore had languished either in committee or on the Senate floor during previous Congressional sessions.

As you know Mr. Chairman, exorbitant litigation and class action awards have deleterious consequences on the nation’s economy and on prospects for future economic growth. Today, our nation’s enterprises are drained of needed resources, which could be put to more profitable and efficient uses, because of the sheer amount of litigation. In addition, the cost of litigation places an unnecessary “tort tax” on the American consumer, which could be diminished with appropriate legislative action.

Since CSE’s inception, our members have advocated strenuously for civil justice reform on both the federal and state levels. CSE members have dedicated their time and effort to ensure that Americans with real grievances can adjudicate their claims as expeditiously as possible. Therefore, CSE members will actively encourage the Senate and House of Representatives to support civil justice reform bills in both chambers in the coming legislative days.

Though Congress is in the midst of debating an economic growth and jobs creation package to strengthen the economy and provide for long-term economic growth, CSE believes that any legislative measure to do so must be coupled with real civil justice reform. To that end, CSE looks forward to working with you to enact sensible economic growth policies and tort reform.


Paul Beckner

CSE President and CEO

cc: All Senators