Taxpayer Relief Pledge


May 26th the U.S. Congress passed one of the largest tax cuts in history.
This bill marked the first time in a generation that Americans have
had their tax burden reduced by any significant amount. Although an
excellent first step, Congress cannot allow their hard won efforts to
be watered down or undone.

a supporter of tax relief and returning the surplus to the taxpayers
that earned it, I hereby pledge to:

  • Support
    those tax cuts passed by Congress and signed by the President – opposing
    any attempts to weaken or abolish these hard fought gains.

  • Support
    efforts to make the tax cuts permanent – in particular the repeal
    of the death tax and marginal rate reductions.




    Please sign the pledge now and demonstrate your
    willingness to fight for taxpayers’ interest in providing much needed
    tax relief. Fax your signed pledge today to Danielle Doane at (202)
    783-4687 or call (202) 942-7688 with questions.

    for a Sound Economy (CSE) is a grassroots advocacy and education organization
    dedicated to economic freedom. CSE recruits, educates, motivates and
    mobilizes hundreds of thousands of volunteer activists to fight for
    less government, lower taxes and more freedom.