Trial Lawyers, the “Albeturkey Eleven”, and Texas Textbooks

Your doctor knows the remedy…

Early voting on the 22 constitutional amendments begins next Thursday (August 28). Texas CSE is encouraging voters to “Vote FOR Proposition 12” to propote affordability and availability of health care in Texas. Why? Because doctors are leaving the practice – some say that liability insurance represents 45% of the consumer’s cost of delivering a baby. Liability insurance has escallated, but health plans, medicare and medicaid are capitated.

Also note that Proposition 12 only limits non-economic damanges (not economic damages or punitive damages!) Trial lawyer front groups will argue that it “opens the door” for caps on other damages. The truth is — it makes it MORE difficult for the legislature to cap other damages, as it puts in place a 3/5 requirement to pass other caps. (The Senate is having trouble getting 2/3 to vote on redistricting!) You will be seeing TV ads by trial lawyer front groups opposing Prop 12. If you have questions, ask your family doctor…after all, who do you trust? Your family doctor or greedy trial lawyers and their front groups? If you have questions on Prop 12, ask your family doctor!

It’s an unexcused absence…

Wedesday, August 21 marks 25 days and counting that the 11 Texas senate democrats have been hiding out in Albequerque to avoid taking a vote on redistricting. Dubbed “The Albeturkey Eleven”, these AWOL legislators are squealing that sanctions placed on them by the Senators who DO show up for work were totalling over $25,000 each. But who among us could high-tail it out of the state to avoid a task we weren’t relishing? Most employers would put us out on the street – something voters are increasingly discussing around the state. Some parents are referring to it as “unexcused absences” — truant legislators, come home!

Texas schools need to go back to the books…

Many school districts spend less than 51% of their funds on instruction. As we focus on school finance and eliminating the “Robin Hood” school finance system, we need to put students first. Texas taxpayers should be able to demand that we not spend more dollars on education, but get more education for our dollars!

“As the independent education watchdog for the people of Texas, this agency does Texas School Performance Reviews to drive more of every education dollar directly into the classroom with the teachers and the students where it belongs. Right now only 51 cents out of every education dollar is going into classroom instruction. That’s unacceptable.” – Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn