“Let’s Move” Stamps Pulled Over Safety Concerns

Mrs. Obama is dedicated to healthy kids, and works towards getting them to exercise more and eat better. A worthy goal indeed, and one which she implements through her Let’s Move! initiative.  To bring attention to this initiative, the US Postal Service created a series of stamps showing kids engaged in various activities such as jumping rope and playing basketball. How dare they? The President’s Council of Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition has now told the USPS to cancel all plans for these stamps because the activities depicted are unsafe. 

What are these travesties from which our children must be protected? A cannonball into the water, skateboarding without knee pads, and doing a headstand without a helmet. No, seriously. Running, leaping, swinging…are all too dangerous for today’s child. These images could be so harmful to our children that the USPS may have to pull, or even destroy them. Good thing the USPS has so much extra money. Oh, wait. The Post Office is broke

The problem came to light when the USPS reached out to Mrs. Obama for help with the rollout, which should have happened back in May. In response, these two Obama groups (Let’s Move! and The President’s Council) put the kibosh on them. “The stamps are on hold with the printer and we have not made a decision at this point, right now, with respect to how we are going to move forward,” a USPS spokesman told the Daily Caller. 

It’s almost as though there is a concerted effort to make sure that the wussification of America is complete within a generation. How many of us have ever done a cannonball, ridden a skateboard without kneepads, or done a headstand without a helmet (ok, I’ve never done a headstand of any kind)? Nothing is completely safe, there is risk in nearly any activity. That is just a fact of life. We can’t wrap children in bubble wrap then expect them to be normal grown ups.  

The good news is that the internet has come through, as it always done, with some hilarious photoshopping. Thanks, internet!