Key Vote Yes on McConnell Amendment to Fully Repeal ObamaCare

Dear Senator,

On behalf of over a million FreedomWorks members nationwide, I urge you to vote YES on the McConnell Amendment to repeal ObamaCare. Introduced as an amendment to the FAA funding bill, this amendment is the same as the bill the House recently passed with bi-partisan support to repeal what multiple judges have identified as the unconstitutional ObamaCare law.  Despite Americans loudly voicing opposition to the misguided bill, it was rammed through with backroom deals and major tax increases. Polls have continuously shown that the majority of Americans want Washington to reverse the government takeover of their health care.

We need to fully repeal Obamacare because it will kill jobs, bankrupt the government, drive up everyone’s health insurance costs, put bureaucrats in charge of rationing our health care, and ruin the world’s best health care system. The health care law will cost $2.6 trillion during its first 10 years of full implementation. Ultimately, it will create 159 new bureaucracies to control our health care.  Most concerning of all, the law forces all Americans to purchase government-controlled health insurance by 2014. Two federal judges have already rightfully declared this mandate to be unconstitutional. At a time when federal debt and deficits are at all-time highs, we simply cannot afford this massive new spending program.

Ten months after its passage, the new health care law has already done damage to our economy and way of life. Insurance premiums are soaring across the nation. By 2016, CBO predicts the average price of privately purchased insurance will be 27-30% higher for all Americans. Struggling American families will have to pay an average of $2,100 more for coverage.

The unintended consequences of the new health care law are heartbreaking. Due to a provision that insurance companies must charge the same rates for healthy and costly sick children, nearly every major insurance company has ceased offering child-only policies. Employer penalties in the law have led some major companies such as 3M to stop offering health benefits to retirees and low-income workers unless they are granted an exemption by HHS.

We will count your vote on the McConnell Amendment as a KEY VOTE when calculating the FreedomWorks Economic Freedom Scorecard for 2011. The Economic Freedom Scorecard is used to determine eligibility for the Jefferson Award, which recognizes members of Congress with voting records that support economic freedom.


Matt Kibbe
President and CEO
[Click here to see a pdf version of this letter.]

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