Regulatory Action Center Review – February 22, 2019

Welcome to FreedomWorks Foundation’s fourth regulatory review of 2019! Our Regulatory Action Center proudly updates you with our favorite tidbits from the swamp. We want to smash barriers between bureaucracy…

Government Protects You From… Small Grapefruits?

Government wraps its seemingly endless fingers around almost all facets of our lives. “Safety” and “public interest” are cited as unquestionable benefits of government expansion. However, regulations sometimes seem so…

Pruitt Makes EPA Show Its Work on Secret Science

President Trump and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt continue draining the swamp. This time, it’s “secret science” flushing down the duct. Administrator Pruitt proposed ending the use of…

Clock Ticks for Democrats’ Bad Move on Net Neutrality

Senate Democrats could seek to reverse the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) “Restoring Internet Freedom Order” by Monday. While their attempt has no chance of passing the Republican-controlled House or…