Taking on Tax-Crazy Legislators in Oregon

As if we were not taxed enough in Oregon, take a look at what the politicians in Salem are proposing this year:

Corporate Minimum Restructuring (LRO): $151 million

Cigarette Tax (GRB): $181.7 million

Provider Tax (renewal) (GRB): $191.4 million

Nursing Facilities Provider Tax (renewal) (GRB): $40.4 million

Auto Insurance Tax (GRB): $25 million

HB 2530 (Sales Tax): $800 million

HB 2347 (Beer and Wine Tax): unspecified

Total: $1.3895 billion in new taxes

If you are as concerned as I am about these new tax proposals, please send me an email. I can be reached at rwalker@freedomworks.org or call me at 888-893-0497.