Boehner: Extend Tax Cuts to All Americans Immediately

Earlier today, Minority Leader Boehner pressed Nancy Pelosi to commit to an up-or-down vote on legislation that would stop all of the upcoming 2011 tax hikes before Congress adjourns for the fall. According to Leader Boehner:

 On the issue of job-killing tax hikes, the American people are not going to accept anything less than the vote they deserve.  The Speaker should pledge to the American people – when she stands before the cameras later today – that she’ll allow an honest up-or-down vote before Congress adjourns this fall on legislation to stop all of the coming tax hikes.  Anything less is unacceptable.

 During her weekly press conference today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unfortunately refused to commit to an up-or-down vote on legislation that would extend the tax cuts. She stated

 I see no justification for giving a tax break, going into debt with foreign countries to underwrite the subsidized tax cuts for the wealthiest people in America… That’s my position, but again, we listen to our members…The only thing I can tell you is that the tax cuts for the middle class will be extended this Congress.

In other words, Nancy Pelosi won’t rule out hiking taxes by 13 percent on two-thirds of job creating businesses. She refused to say whether or not the House would vote on extending the tax cuts before the November election. It’s no wonder that business uncertainty has skyrocketed. Without knowing the fate of the expiring tax cuts, businesses are relucant to hire new employees.

 Fortunately, a group of bipartisan individuals have spoken out against all of the 2011 tax hikes. A key economic adviser to Nancy Pelosi, Mark Zandi, states that raising taxes on anyone would increase the chances of a double dip recession:

 With 9.5 percent unemployment – which is clearly going to move higher – raising taxes is a gamble that is unnecessary.

 So far, 31 Democrats have signed onto a letter asking Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer to extend the tax cuts to all Americans. The letter states:

 We believe in times of economic recovery it makes good sense to maintain things as they are in the short term, to provide families and businesses the certainty required to plan and make sound budget decisions. Providing this certainty will give small businesses, the backbone of our economic recovery, confidence and stability.

 Perhaps Nancy Pelosi should listen closer to her members and the American people. A NewsMax poll reveals that 87 percent of Americans want all of the tax cuts renewed by the end of the year. With the unemployment rate at a high 9.6 percent, action must be taken immediately to extend tax cuts to renew business certainty. We cannot allow Nancy Pelosi to delay the vote in order to raise taxes during the Lame Duck Session. Please contact your representatives today and tell them to extend all of the tax cuts to boost job growth!