FreedomWorks Activists in Mississippi Demand Lawmakers Pass Charter School Bill


FreedomWorks Activists in Mississippi Meet With House Education Committee

On Thursday of last week, FreedomWorks activists in Mississippi headed to the capitol in Jackson before the scheduled House Education Committee meeting to discuss the need for charter schools. Some lawmakers have already stated open opposition to S.B. 2401, which recently passed the Senate and now faces a vote in the House Education Committee on Tuesday.

Despite the education establishment telling you otherwise, Mississippi schools are failing.  According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, only 22 percent of Mississippi 4th graders and 19 percent of 8th graders are proficient in math and reading.  These numbers reflect a desperate need to bring reform to the state, and the FreedomWorks activist network of over 12,000 have been working tirelessly to see charter schools achieve that end. 

Opening more charter schools would provide kids in failing schools with the opportunity to escape a chronically failing school system. FreedomWorks activists were influential in the legislation’s passage in the Senate, and will continue going door to door and hosting educational meetings until the bill becomes law.  This past weekend alone, activists distributed 4,500 door hangers in all areas throughout the state.

Despite the efforts of the activists on the ground, some lawmakers continue to put politics ahead of the needs of children. Holding children hostage while special interests continue to prevent reform is unacceptable.  Our activists will continue to hold these lawmakers accountable with a clear message from parents, “you are either with us or you are against us.”