Graham Is the Taxpayer’s Champion

Does anyone think he is undertaxed? While many Democrats think so, U.S. Rep. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., knows that most of us are severely overtaxed.

Mr. Graham knows that the only way to limit government and cut wasteful spending is to reduce the flow of money flooding into Washington. Furthermore, he also knows a free people and a prosperous economy are only possible when taxes are low.

Mr. Graham’s outspoken support for tax cuts is no election-year ploy, and no cheap trick to fool the electorate. Ever since his election to Congress in 1994, Mr. Graham has been leading the charge for lower, simpler taxes. For his efforts, he’s been called a “taxpayer hero” by the National Taxpayers Union and a “friend of the taxpayer” by Citizens for a Sound Economy.

To Mr. Graham, no federal tax program should be exempt from the knife. He supports cutting marginal income-tax rates and the capital gains tax. He favors eliminating the estate tax and the marriage penalty. He backs increasing both the Individual Retirement Account contribution limit and per-child tax credit.

Many Democrats think Americans need to fork over more of their incomes to the tax man. They should set an example by voluntarily paying more on their returns — though this is as likely as Osama bin Laden surrendering himself to federal authorities. The rest of us will do the right thing and make Lindsey Graham, the taxpayers’ champion, our next U.S. senator.