Support Gov. Douglas’ call to cap spending at inflation plus population growth

Governor Jim Douglas presented his budget to the legislature yesterday, calling for a cap on spending at inflation plus population growth and an end to “waterfall expenditures” – using excess tax revenues to fuel more spending – as part of the General Fund. These provisions are the core of Taxpayer Bill of Rights legislation, or what we’ve been calling SOS-Vermont.

In the Governor’s words:

“… I begin today by proposing a statutory cap for all General Fund budgets beginning this year… In addition, I propose we end the practice of including a so-called “waterfall” section in the General Fund…”

Please contact Governor Douglas’ office at 802-828-3333

and register your vocal support for these policies.


He will need a great deal of help from all of us to make these good ideas law.

Though this bold and necessary proposal was the first Douglas made in his speech, the AP reported the event with the headline, “Douglas proposes dental, youth initiatives in budget speech.” Speaker Gaye Symington and Senate Pro Tem Peter Shumlin were not supportive. Symington was quoted as saying, “What I didn't hear, and I'm disappointed in, is a strategy for dealing with the real challenges this state faces."


NONSENSE!! These policies are exactly what Vermont needs to deal with the challenges we face today. When Colorado implemented TABOR in the early 1990’s it began a period of economic revival that saw it become first among all states in gross state product growth and second in personal income growth while compiling the best national record for reducing the number of children living in poverty — a whopping 26.9 percent.

Symington and Shumlin, of course, would rather spend their time and your money figuring out how to keep Vermonters from idling their cars on cold days.


So, please contact Symington and Shumlin, as well,

and tell them they are out of touch, and to support the Governor’s leading proposal for a statutory cap on spending at and


Email, telephone, and mailing addresses for all Representatives and Senators can be found at Short messages can be left at State House through the Sgt. At Arms office at 802-828-2228.


Governor Douglas has given us a chance to move this agenda forward. Let’s not let this opportunity go to waste! Please pass this along to others on your email list. And, thank you, as always, for your support.

Rob Roper

State Director

FreedomWorks Vermont