CSE Death Tax Campaign Highlights

Washington, DC – Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE) kicked off a nationwide campaign to permanently repeal the “Death Tax.” Specifically, CSE targeted three undecided Democratic senators, Bill Nelson (FL), Ron Wyden (OR) and Patty Murray (Wa), none of whom were up for re-election. On voting day, Senators Nelson and Wyden both voted for full and permanent repeal. Throughout the campaign to eliminate this unfair and un-American tax, CSE activated its membership to lobby their senators with phone calls, emails, letters, and office visits, to kill the Death Tax once and for all.

Campaign Highlights:

  • Senators Nelson and Wyden gave their support of the Gramm/Kyl amendment to permanently repeal the Death Tax,

  • CSE President Paul Beckner’s “Death Tax: It’s about values” op-ed was published in the Washington Times on May 30,

  • Marty Reiser, CSE Vice President of Public Affairs, was quoted in the New York Times on the Death Tax on June 12,

  • Nearly 2,000 individuals signed CSE’s on-line “Death Tax” Petition,

  • 1,700 activists wrote letters to their legislators in support of full repeal of the Death Tax,

  • Hundreds of calls were placed into Senator Wyden, Murray, and Nelson’s offices,

  • CSE mailed hundreds of postcard with a call to action to our best activists asking them to call their legislators,

  • Thousands of emails were sent to all our cyber-activists asking them to contact their senators on the Death Tax,

  • CSE conducted conference calls with our best activists to go over the Death Tax strategy and how to influence senators,

  • CSE Key Voted the “Make it Permanent” House of Representatives vote as well as the House and Senate’s specific vote on making the Death Tax permanent. Key Voting allows CSE to recognize those legislators who are eligible for CSE’s Jefferson Award, which is given to those who exemplify CSE’s principles of limited government and more freedom,

  • Paul Beckner discussed the importance of eliminating the Death Tax to more than 500 activists at North Carolina CSE Day at the Capitol, and

  • CSE activists visited with Senators Murray, Nelson, and Wyden’s district and Washington, D.C. offices to express their firm opposition to the Death Tax.