The DLC Loves RomneyCare?

So Mitt Romney took to the Wall Street Journal a few days ago to defend his record on health care and distance himself from the health-care proposal put forth by Hillary Clinton.

I wouldn’t do what Sen. Clinton does — impose my way on every other state. Other states may borrow from what we did. Some will surely improve on it. But let’s keep faith in federalism, in private markets and in individual responsibility.

But the fact that he had to defend it so quickly and prominently suggests that he’s nervous, and he should be: Romney’s Massachusetts plan is remarkably similar to Clinton’s.  Even the DLC says so:

Mitt Romney… appears to be trying to distance himself from his own state of Massachusetts’ universal health care initiative, which resembles the Clinton, Edwards, and Obama plans much more than those of any Republican.  [emph. added]

Well, at least somebody likes it.