Florida FreedomWorks Presents on Social Security in Broward County

BROWARD. Florida State Director spoke on Social Security Reform to the Tamarac Republican Club in Broward County on March 24th. The presentation is part of a broad, nationwide education campaign by FreedomWorks.

John’s presentation covered the History of Social Security since its inception, and the attempts to save Social Security by raising payroll taxes, cutting benefits, raising the retirement age and raising the cap on taxable income. John argued that those who oppose Personal Retirement Accounts only offer more of the same things that have already failed to save Social Security. John told the crowd that the only way to bring permanent solvency and higher rates of return are through personal accounts.

John commented that “many people had many misconceptions from the misleading ads such as those put out by AARP, one lady told me she did not know that personal accounts would be voluntary”.

During the Q & A session, FreedomWorks member Lee Roggenburg assisted John with questions and was able to add his perspective to the discussion. Lee has travelled with State Director John Hallman to many Social Security Presentations and with his extensive background in economics and investing, has been a great addition to John’s presentations.