Social Security Experts Available to Discuss President’s Commission

News Advisory:

Today, August 22, the President’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security will hold its third meeting to discuss ways to save the Social Security System. While it is clear members of the Commission support modernization, some of the proposed solutions are quite confusing.

Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation, a national grassroots organization with nearly 300,000 members nationally, has several experts available to discuss the options available to the Commission in their efforts to find ways to shore up Social Security.

CSEF’s experts will be available to discuss these options, their importance, and what the ramifications might be if action isn’t taken in the near future to fix Social Security.

Available experts include:

Erick Gustafson, director of CSEF’s Center for Consumer Choice. Gustafson has appeared on several television programs discussing a wide variety of topics, including Social Security, tax cuts, budgetary issues, and more. Gustafson has debated the likes of former Clinton Secretary of Labor Robert Reich on air.

— Brandon Arnold, CSEF’s tax and budget policy analyst. Arnold has written several opinion editorials on topics ranging from Social Security to tax relief.

— Chad Cowan, CSEF’s director of communications. Cowan has appeared on dozens of radio and television shows, including the nationally syndicated Oliver North Show and ABC’s 20/20.

— Dani Doane, CSEF’s director of governmental relations. Doane, with several years of Capitol Hill experience, is an expert on the appropriations process and can knowledgeably discuss the budgetary challenges associated with reforming Social Security.

— Wayne Brough, CSEF’s director of research. Brough has written several opinion editorials on a variety of topics including Social Security, taxes, and regulations.