Textbooks Should Teach American History, Freedom, and Enterprise

There they go again – not only is the Texas Freedom Network (TFN) is out of step with mainstream Texas values, but they need to go back to Civics 101.

At a TFN press conference yesterday, the group claimed to have gotten hundreds of citizens to sign postcards against citizen involvement in the approval of textbook curriculum in Texas public schools. TFN claims that the oversight of Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE) activists promotes a “political agenda.” What TFN doesn’t realize is that patriotism and appreciation for democracy and free enterprise are not political agendas; they are bedrock American values.

What’s more, teaching these values in Texas schools is enshrined in state law. The Texas Education Code states, “A primary purpose of the public school curriculum is to prepare thoughtful active citizens who understand the importance of patriotism and can function productively in a free enterprise society with an appreciation for the basic democratic values of our state and national heritage.” (Chapter 28, Subchapter A, Sec. 28.002)

CSE is a grassroots group whose members recognize that the American experiment in freedom will not last if we do not teach our children our great history. We agree with President Bush when he said on September 18th, “American children are not born knowing what they should cherish; are not born knowing why they should cherish American values. A love of democratic principles must be taught.”

CSE also wants textbooks that are accurate and adhere to state law. All citizens have an opportunity to participate in this process, including TFN members who’d rather hold press conferences than show up and actually review books at oversight hearings. Parents, students, teachers, taxpayers, elected officials and the textbook publishers all have a stake in this – and for that, we appreciate the State Board of Education opening the process for all parties concerned.