CSE Urges NO Vote on S.1072

Dear Senator:

On behalf of the more than 300,000 members of Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE), I urge you to vote NO on S.1072, the “Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act.”

President Bush proposes spending $256 billion on transportation over the next six years—an enormous amount, but one that looks prudent compared to the House and Senate proposals to spend $375 billion and $318 billion, respectively. We are also deeply troubled by efforts to raise the gas tax by 5.4 cents per gallon and index it to inflation so that there is an automatic tax increase every year.

This bill is simply too large. It also lacks key transportation policy reforms, such as repealing Davis-Bacon wage requirements and ending federal subsidies for Amtrak. CSE salutes President Bush for threatening to veto the bill if it contains irresponsible new tax increases and/or new borrowing, and urges the Senate to follow his lead by producing a Transportation bill that spends no more than $256 billion and that does not raise taxes or increase borrowing.

Just as troubling as the new taxes and spending is the specter of a “re-regulation amendment” to the bill to increase government meddling in the railroad industry. De-regulation of freight rail has been an enormous success; since 1980, rail labor productivity has tripled, and capital productivity has doubled. Rather than re-regulate, Congress needs to get out of the way and let businesses compete.

CSE will count the vote on the “Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act.” as a KEY VOTE to be reported to our members in your state. This KEY VOTE will be used to determine your eligibility for our Jefferson Award, to be presented at the conclusion of the 108th Congress. This award is provided to those legislators who espouse the principles of limited government, lower taxes, and economic liberty.


Paul Beckner,
President and CEO