Wisconsin FreedomWorks Cheers the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights (TABOR)

State Rep. Frank Lasee held a press conference today and announced he will reintroduce his version of the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights (TABOR) when the State Legislature reconvenes in January. Lasee’s legislation would amend the state’s constitution to impose strict revenue and spending limits on all levels of government that can only be bypassed through a referendum.

Wisconsin FreedomWorks State Director Cameron Sholty commented:

“I’m excited to see movement on this issue. Wisconsin residents feel they are overtaxed and they want relief–not lip service. The principle of limiting growth in government revenue and spending resonates with our membership, and I look forward to mobilizing our activists to put government on as tight a budget as our working families. Giving ordinary citizens the power to control the size of their government will ensure that our families, our seniors, and our friends can buy homes, stay in those homes, and continue to grow Wisconsin’s economy.”