FreedomWorks Oregon Places Two Initiatives on Statewide Ballot

Before the five PM deadline today FreedomWorks Oregon submitted over 165,000 signatures for the Judicial Redistricting Constitutional Amendment, and 130,000 signatures for the Oregon Family Tax Cut to the Oregon Secretary of State. Oregon’s constitution requires 100,580 and 75,640 valid signatures respectively for the issues to qualify for the November ballot.

The Judicial Redistricting Constitutional Amendment is needed to make the Oregon Supreme Court reflect the values of that state as a whole. The majority of Oregon Supreme Court Justices and Appeals Court Judges are from the Portland-Eugene area. These activist judges have been usurping the will of the people and legislating from the bench – nullifying the will of the voters on matters like property rights, crime-victims rights, term limits, and that’s just not right!

To break this urban, liberal stranglehold on the courts, FreedomWorks supports the Judicial Redistricting Constitutional Amendment that would require that judges be elected by geographic districts. This would ensure the election of judges from every part of the state, representing all Oregonians, rather than just the Willamette Valley.

The other common sense initiative supported by FreedomWorks activists is The Oregon Family Tax Cut. Oregon families pay more than they should in taxes. With the increase in gas costs, home and living expenses, our families deserve to keep more of their own money. Through the ballot measure, Oregon families will be allowed to make the same personal deduction on their state taxes that they get on their federal taxes. Moreover, every Oregonian receives the same benefit from the tax cut. FreedomWorks believes Oregonians spend their money better than the government can!

FreedomWorks Oregon State Director Russ Walker commented, “I am pleased that so many Oregonians have joined with us today to ask the State of Oregon to place these to very important issues on the ballot. We are confident that have turned in far more signatures than are necessary to to meet the required number necessary. Oregonians deserve to vote on these very important issues.”