Scorn ‘political assassins’

This week there was amazing news coming out of the Oregon Legislature. After years of gridlock and partisan bickering, Democrats and Republicans reached agreement to raise corporate taxes, build a state rainy day fund and cut estate taxes. Canceling $290 million in corporate kicker tax rebates for this year and placing that money in a new state savings account is the linchpin of this stunning deal.

Instead of welcoming this new spirit of bipartisanship in Salem, however, an anti-tax group, FreedomWorks, sent a blatantly misleading mailing to local voters this week, and placed automated phone calls with the same false message [criticizing Democrats for their stance on the corporate kicker].

Last November, Oregon voters sent a clear message that they wanted an end to negative partisan politics. Heeding the call, our Democratic and Republican legislators in Salem deserve our gratitude for this week’s breakthrough agreement. Political assassins like FreedomWorks deserve only our scorn.

