Thursday Short Cuts

“Imagine someone close to you has a drinking problem. Night after night, he goes out to the bars on wild binges, chugging down 10 to 12 beers a night. But then, in a supreme effort to reform himself, the drunkard cuts his consumption down to a six-pack every night. He starts boasting of his amazing self-control and good behavior. That’s analogous to President Joe Biden’s tall tale that he’s one of the greatest paragons of fiscal responsibility in modern times. … Biden’s administration has led the federal government in spending and borrowing more money in his first 20 months in the White House than any other president in history. No one else comes close to his record of fiscal recklessness. Biden is not even halfway through his presidential term, and he’s already signed into law federal spending over the next decade that will exceed $4 trillion. … Biden has turned the Potomac River into a sea of red ink. But sure, he’s the No. 1 deficit-cutter of our time.” —Stephen Moore

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