Make a Planned Gift

There are many options for making a legacy gift to FreedomWorks, each of which can provide both tax planning advantages and peace of mind, offering the opportunity to make a transformational gift to ensure economic and individual freedom for future generations of Americans.

A bequest, designating in your will a dollar amount or percentage of your estate to support FreedomWorks, is the easiest way to make a legacy gift.

A charitable remainder trust or charitable gift annuity, which provide you and your family with income during your lifetime, after which the asset balance is distributed to FreedomWorks.

A gift of appreciated stock or real estate, which offers significant tax savings for you while allowing FreedomWorks to benefit from the full value of your gift.

A life insurance policy that lists FreedomWorks as both the owner and beneficiary.

We would be happy to talk with you to discuss what legacy you’d like to leave, review your options, and connect you with the appropriate legal and accounting resources. Donors must consult their own legal and tax advisors about these legacy gifts. Please call (202) 942-7670 to discuss these options today.