Texas Reigns as the Business Empire State

Last week, Texas Governor Rick Perry challenged New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to a friendly debate over economic policies. Perry issued the challenge during a trip to the Empire…

Charter Schools Up for a Fight in New York City

Choice creates competition, and competition will lead to public schools losing their monopolies on young minds.  This of course is a very good thing, as it means better educations for every…

NY Soda Ban Gets The Shaft…Errrr…Straw

Months ago, New York's Mayor Bloomberg put into action a Very Serious Plan designed to subvert New York City's life-draining, obesity-encouraging, self-immolating commitment to drinking soda out of containers designed…

Get Out the Vote in NY 23

FreedomWorks is heading up to NY for the final push in district 23.  Our candidate side-by-sides might be a tad out of date now, but the issues at stake haven't…

More Activists Face Down MoveOn.org and ACORN

The ACORN and MoveOn.org comrades weren't just out in force in Greensboro last week, they also took to the streets outside Congressional district offices in other cities where FreedomWorks…

As California Goes, So Goes New York

... Aaaand probably the federal government.Over at the Atlantic, Megan McArdle takes on the question "Is California too big to fail?" Short answer?  Nope.