The Failure Of The War On Poverty

In 1930, the unemployment rate among African Americans was lower than it was for whites. That's right, at the height of the Great Depression, blacks were more likely to be…

Biting the Hand that Feeds

Every few hours, new facts emerge about the Boston Marathon bombers. While much has been made of their family, studies and religion, on Tuesday night we learned that…

The Fallacy of Government Assistance

Throughout American history, there have always been those that have fallen on hard times.  From British poor laws, brought over by the colonists, to today’s myriad of welfare programs, America…

Big Government Is Mean

Whenever conservatives talk about lowering taxes, reducing entitlements, or rolling back our titanic government, the intellectual giants of the left deploy an incisive counter-argument: you're mean!But of course. Why, just…

We Spend HOW MUCH On Welfare?

While researching another blog post, I came across an article that truly shocked me - which is really hard to do, given my familiarity with the Obama administration's free-spending ways.