A Democrat, a Republican and an Independent Plead for Responsible Governance – Reduce the Debt and End the Corruption

Over 2,000 years ago, Polybius observed the beginning of the decline of Rome.  Polybius foresaw the politicians’ lust for power would result in deterioration and decline:

… the rivalry for office, and in other spheres of activity, will become fiercer than it ought to be.
…  And as this state of things goes on more and more, the desire of office and the shame of losing reputation, as well as the ostentation and extravagance of living, will prove the beginning of a deterioration.
Polybius (c.203-122 BCE)  Book VI of Histories

A Democrat, a Republican and an Independent Plead for Responsible Governance – Reduce the Debt and End the Corruption

Three men with differing political views know government spending must be reduced.  According to the Wall Street Journal, Georffrey Canada of Harlem’s Children Zone, Stanley Druckenmiller formerly president of Duquesne Capital, and Kevin Warsh a former Federal Reserve Governor, firmly state government is spending too much, which is destroying our children’s future. 

One of us is a Democrat; one, an independent; another, a Republican. … Government spending levels are unsustainable. Higher taxes, … advisable or not, fail to come close to solving the problem. …    Defense and homeland security spending should not be immune to reductions. Most consequentially, the growth in spending on entitlement programs—Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare—must be curbed.

These truths are not born of some zeal for austerity or unkindness, but of arithmetic. The growing debt burden threatens to crush the next generation of Americans.

These three, concerned Americans – again, from differing political philosophies – know America’s governing elites have willfully failed to be honorable stewards of government finances.  Indirectly and politely, these three, concerned Americans have exposed our political elites for coveting short-term power at the expense of  good governance.

In successive administrations, the country has spent trillions of dollars in temporary tax credits and short-term “stimulus” to goose growth by the next election. What do we have to show for this spending surge? Modest growth, declining incomes and a level of national debt that undermine our long-term prospects.  

Most assuredly, America would be better served to allow these three to govern for a period of years.  They have clearly stated the problem – corrupt, government spending.  These three concerned Americans would surely make better decisions than Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Boehner, McConnell and their minions – both Republicans and Democrats alike.

All right, this suggestion is ridiculous with zero probability of being implemented.  America’s elected  elite will not cede power to a source outside of government. 

Interesting and revealing, the 2011 enactment of the Sequester included giving extraordinary powers to the Super Committee made up of select Senators and Members of Congress.  This was an indirect acknowledgment by our elected elites of America dangerous debt.  Of course, ceding power to the Super Committee also acknowledges the incompetency of Congress and the President.  [Read: Decision Week for the Super Committee Czars

Again, the President and Congress will not bestow power to a source outside of government…and probably should not.  Unfortunately for America, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Boehner, McConnell and their minions will continue to avoid enacting good, consistent and dependable governance.  Our elected elite covet their positions of power over good policy.  And, the probability of good governance remains at zero.
Over 2,000 years ago, Polybius observed the beginning of the decline of Rome.  Polybius foresaw the politicians’ lust for power would result in deterioration and decline:

… the rivalry for office, and in other spheres of activity, will become fiercer than it ought to be.
…  And as this state of things goes on more and more, the desire of office and the shame of losing reputation, as well as the ostentation and extravagance of living, will prove the beginning of a deterioration.

In Canada, Druckenmiller, Warsh and many other people have observed the decline of America, and are pleading for politicians to self-correct their destructive corruptions.  Long ago in Rome, Polybius witnessed the same political corruptions and advocated for a republican form of government –  executive (monarch), aristocrats (senators) and democracy (public) – which intended to prevent one person or group from controlling the tyrannical powers of government.  Our Founders intended to restrain the misuse of power by incorporating Polybius’ concepts of republican checks and balances.  Unfortunately, America’s form of republican government has long been shattered, and only additional restraints on government power will reverse our decline.  America must have additional, structural restraints to curb the abuse of power by our elected leaders.

Obviously, there are many ways to structurally restrain government.  A few key principles must be incorporated. 

First, there must be a restraint on government debt.  Switzerland and Poland have systems in place to restrict their debt. 

Second,  every American must have more opportunity to own, spend and invest their money.   The more American’s own the fruits of their intellect and labor, the more they will stop the abuse of power by government.