Florida FreedomWorks Helps Mark First Anniversary of Kelo

RIVIERA BEACH, FLORIDA. On Friday June 23rd, the anniversary of the infamous U.S. Supreme Court’s Kelo Decision, FreedomWorks along with the Institute for Justice, the Pacific Legal Foundation and the Constitution Committee of Florida hosted a rally in Riviera Beach to show support for the citizens of Riviera Beach who are still embroiled in an effort by the city government to seize their property for private developers. Over 100 concerned citizens showed up to voice their concern of this abuse by city officials. FreedomWorks Florida State Director John Hallman and FreedomWorks Florida Field Coordinator Tom Gaitens were among the invited speakers to address the crowd. Also Florida State Representative’s Carl Domino and Everett Rice were on hand to show their support for private property rights. Despite Governor Bush signing the most aggressive protections of property rights in the nation, Riviera Beach city officials are still trying to circumvent the new law and toss out citizens from their homes. Florida FreedomWorks Field Coordinator Tom Gaitens commented, “this is why as citizens we must stay vigilant to defend our freedoms in this country or we will see them slowly erode.” Florida State Director John Hallman commented “ freedom works when we don’t have to live in fear that our homes will be taken from us by government to benefit another private entity.”

This rally was covered by local TV stations as well as other media outlets and hopefully will shed light on this abuse of government.