One Down at CPAC

Just got settled in here on blogger’s row at CPAC, and the place is already buzzing with the rumor that Romney plans to announce that he’s dropping out of the GOP presidential race in his speech.

Romney has become the conservative establishment candidate as  of late, but it’s worth remembering that the health-care plan he put in place in Massachusetts wasn’t exactly a conservative plan. In fact, it has a lot in common with the plan proposed by Hillary Clinton. It was a mandate-based plan, which not only brings up all sorts of issues of responsibility, also tends to drive up costs and be, well, rather ineffective.

My theory has always been that Romney is Bush in negative.  Bush has always been focused on principle and intuition and weak on details and administrative ability. Romney, on the other hand, seems to be a man with relatively weaker first principles but strong interest in management and process and an eye (and mind) for details.  He’s on now.  I’ll report back as soon as the speech is over.