Republicans Gain Ground Among Independents

Personal Freedom and Power 103:  Possessions (Money and Property)

 “….private property, production, and voluntary exchange … are the ultimate sources of human civilization.”  Hans-Hermann Hoppe

 Utilizing possessions greatly advances a person’s opportunities to investment their time, intellect, labor and money. This fosters inspiration and resourcefulness, and propels commerce, science, art and charity.  Civilization advances. 

Republicans Gain Ground Among Independents

But a new poll shows independents still don’t trust the GOP on spending.

Presently in America, the independent voter decides which political party controls the federal government.  The Independents rejected the wars and spending of Bush, and hoped for change with Obama.  Today, the Independents want reduced spending, a balanced budget and reduced debt.  They are mad at the Democrats and disappointed with Obama.  In the Wall Street Journal, Douglas Schoen and Heather Higgins report on the mood and desires of the independent voter.

Generally, independents made clear in the survey what they want candidates to do: Decrease the size and scope of government, cut spending and taxes, balance the budget, reduce the federal debt, reduce the power of special interests and unions, repeal and replace the health-care legislation, and decrease partisanship. The survey also showed that independents believe they aren’t getting any of this from the current representatives in Washington.

The independent voter knows America’s republican form of government has been hijacked by big business and public employee unions.  Today, the independent voter is migrating back to the Republicans, and will probably punish the Democrats this November. 

 Unknowingly, the independent voter is seeking a governance system dedicated to freedom. Indispensable for personal freedom is the liberty for each person to choose how to allocate and invest their time, labor and money and to own the gains made by these investments. 

Remember the independent voters’ demands, “Decrease the size and scope of government, cut spending and taxes, balance the budget, reduce the federal debt, reduce the power of special interests and unions.” 

Directly, these requests will increases disposable income, choice and personal power for all Americans.  Intuitively, the independent voter comprehends that utilizing their gains (money) greatly advances a person’s opportunities to further invest their time, intellect, labor and money. This fosters inspiration and resourcefulness and propels commerce, science, art and charity.  This is the process that produced Western Civilization and made America exceptional. 

Hence, for a prosperous and free society, more Americans must know the foundations that foster freedom.  Fundamental is recognizing government’s paramount duty of protecting individuals and their gains (property) from the force of others – especially the force of government.

 Again, Americans must understand the value of owning and utilizing the fruits of their labor – property: George Mason in 1776 emphasized “property” in the Virginia Declaration of Rights:

That all Men are born equally free and independant, and have certain inherent natural Rights,…; among which are the Enjoyment of Life and Liberty, with the Means of acquiring and possessing Property, and pursueing and obtaining Happiness and Safety.

 Also, the benefits of individual freedom, as stated by Ludwig von Mises:

 The distinctive principle of Western social philosophy is individualism.

It aims at the creation of a sphere in which the individual is free to think, to choose, and to act without being restrained by the interference of the social apparatus of coercion and oppression, the State. All the spiritual and material achievements of Western civilization were the result of the operation of this idea of liberty.





Fortunately, most Americans are eager to learn and restore freedom. FreedomWorks will soon offer extensive educational resources dedicated to freedom.  Please join FreedomWorks and the campaign for freedom.  Freedom always needs more citizen activists.