There’s a Better Way

They say that in politics timing is everything. Yet our traditionally politically astute governor, Gary Locke, released a one billion dollar tax increase proposal just two days after the voters in our neighboring state, Oregon, rejected a major tax increase in a 19-point landslide. I am proud to say that the volunteer members of my organization, Citizens for a Sound Economy, played a vital role in sending the message in Oregon and they are prepared to do the same in Washington. To even suggest an increase in the sales tax when our economy is struggling and people are looking for work implies arrogance on the part of the retiring governor that the citizens will revolt against.

Oregonians, faced with a vivid choice between cutting current government programs or a job-crushing tax increase, spoke loud and clear. Here in Washington, the choice will be between an even larger job-crushing tax hike that will increase, not just save, government programs or prioritizing current government spending. I am confident the taxpayers will follow Oregon in this latest example of a national rebellion against higher taxes and runaway spending.

No one will argue that our education system is failing our children but the typical liberal solution of throwing new money at the problem is not the answer. There is a better way. Policy makers need to be creative and employ inventive solutions just like every taxpaying family in this state has had to do during these tough economic times.

One year ago, Governor Locke was opposed to a tax increase because of the economic condition of our state. The single act of signing a contract with Boeing, just one of many businesses of our state, has not solved our fiscal problems. Raising the sales tax and forcing more of our citizens to shop in sales tax-free Oregon or purchase goods over the internet is not the way to prosper a healthy economy and put people back to work. It is definitely not the way to produce effective schools.

The people in this state understand this and the politicians who represent them would be wise to listen.