FreedomWorks’ Kibbe to President Obama: Am I Missing Something?

Washington, DC- Following President Obama’s press conference on the sequester savings set to take effect tonight at midnight, FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe said the following comment:

“Listening to the President, you would think that the world is going to end tonight at midnight. Children wandering the streets unsupervised, abandoned borders, rancid food and planes at risk to collide in mid-air.

Am I missing something? The sequester is not a cut, it’s actually a spending increase. The government is on track once again to spend more money this year than it did last year. Only in Washington can the Democrats create a national hysteria over a spending increase that’s just not as big as they had originally hoped.

The sequester savings have been a contingency plan for over a year in the event that Congress and the White House failed to find spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt ceiling- which they did fail to do. Frankly, slowing the rate of spending this year is the bare minimum that Congress and President Obama can do, considering they have failed to pass a budget in over 4 years as required by law.

This is not about compromise; this is about preventing our country from going broke and securing the economy for future generations. No more continuing resolutions, no more systematic shakedowns at the expense of hard-working Americans. President Obama and Congressional leadership have to stop tinkering at the margins, return to regular order and pass a budget as required by law.”

FreedomWorks is a service center to a community of over 4 million grassroots activists nationwide who believe in individual liberty and constitutionally-limited government. For more information on FreedomWorks’ position on the sequester, please visit or contact Jackie Bodnar at