Stop the Vermont Legislature’s Latest Tax Grab!

VERMONT. A bill now being considered in the Vermont Senate, if enacted, could seriously threaten private daycare providers in Vermont. It would also create added pressure for legislators to raise already high property tax rates, and could ultimately reduce choices for parents.

S. 132 requires public schools to consider setting up their own preschools at taxpayer expense. Daycare services would then be offered “free of charge,” directly and unfairly competing with hundreds of small businesses, run almost entirely by entrepreneurial women.

Proponents of the bill point out that S.132 allows for school districts to provide preschool services by contracting out to private providers, which is true. But this leaves the private providers completely at the mercy of the school districts. There is no guarantee and no obligation for public schools to include private providers at all. What’s more, private providers would be forced to overcome several regulatory hurdles to be able to qualify to be considered by the school districts in the first place – many will never meet these qualifications.

The bottom-line is liberal legislators in Vermont view this as a way to grab more tax money for the state’s ever-growing educational bureaucracy. They simply don’t care about the potential fall-out for taxpayers and many small business owners throughout the state.

This culture of spend, spend, spend has to stop! Government doesn’t have a revenue problem and it doesn’t need to find more ways to grab your tax dollars. Simply put, government has a spending problem and its up to you to put an end to it.

Take a stand against Vermont’s latest tax grab and take action today by clicking on the link below and sending an urgent message to your state Senator.


FreedomWorks recently distributed information to private daycare providers alerting them of this issue and urging them to speak out and fight back. Unfortunately, the big-government education lobby is doing everything in its power to squash their opposition.

You can help make your voice heard on this issue by clicking on our take action link and also turn up the heat in favor of fiscal responsibility in the following ways:

1) Let your local daycare businesses know that this bill is a bad deal for private providers. Don’t take our word for it. Read the bill and see what it does.

2) Let property taxpayers know that an expansion of the public school system by one or two grade levels is inevitably going to demand more funding, and people are already having enough trouble paying their property taxes.

3) Let your senators know that it is neither fair nor in the best interests of children for the government to undermine the convenient, personalized childcare services that parents have come to trust. Let parents choose the best care for their child’s and their lifestyle’s needs.

Please pass this email on to anyone you know who would be concerned with this issue.

Senator Collins of Franklin District, Chair 802-868-7975
Senator Doyle of Washington District, Vice-Chair 802-223-2851
Senator Condos of Chittenden District, 802-863-4654
Senator Starr of Essex-Orleans District, 802-988-2877
Senator Wilton of Rutland District