Key Vote “Yes” H.R. 2734: The Tax Increase Prevention Act

On behalf of hundreds of thousands of FreedomWorks members nationwide, I urge you to Vote “Yes” on H.R. 2734, the Tax Increase Prevention Act.  The bill, authored by Tim Walberg (MI) will end the $683 billion tax increase passed as part of the FY 2009 budget proposal.  

A $683 BILLION tax increase would constitute the largest tax increase in U.S. history.  During these uncertain economic times, saddling the American taxpayers with billions and billions of dollars in new, higher taxes is tantamount to highway robbery.  Raising taxes by leaps and bounds, even as the prices of essential things like gas and food are skyrocketing, is hardly the best way to bring stability and prosperity to the public.

H.R. 2734, the Tax Increase Prevention Act, is an excellent opportunity to step up for citizens and spare them a tax increase that amounts to thousands of dollars a person.  Rather than using legislative gimmicks like mortgage bailouts, Congress should leave taxpayers’ dollars in the banks and wallets of those taxpayers where it can do the most good.

We will count your vote on H.R. 2734 as a KEY VOTE when calculating the FreedomWorks Economic Scorecard for 2008. The FreedomWorks Economic Scorecard is used to determine eligibility for the Jefferson Award, which recognizes members of Congress with voting records that support economic freedom.


Matt Kibbe
President and CEO