Julie Su’s abysmal record heading California’s Labor and Workforce Development Agency  demonstrates that she is the wrong fit for Secretary of Labor. During her tenure, Californians experienced rampant unemployment fraud and suffered devastating economic consequences from a crusade against independent contractors.

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What You Need to Know:

Julie Su was the head of California’s Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA). During her tenure, Californians experienced rampant unemployment fraud and suffered devastating economic consequences from a crusade against independent contractors.

Unemployment Corruption: 

  • Under the watch of Julie Su, more than 11 billion dollars of taxpayer money went to fraudulent unemployment claims, including checks for prisoners on death row. 
  • Julie Su’s failure to effectively manage California’s unemployment system is directly counter to the needs of the position for which she is nominated.

Attack on Independent Contractors:

  • Su championed California’s Assembly Bill 5, which narrowed the classification of independent contractors and dealt a massive blow to the rising gig economy. 
  • This policy created substantial job loss and is no model that the rest of the United States should follow.

Read more about her history of mismanagement here.