Do You Want These People Running Your Hopsitals and Pensions?

We all know about the pork, the outrageous spending, and the waste of taxpayer money. Old hat, it appears. For declassified documents now reveal that Paul Fellencer Sr. tried to blow the whistle on could have been $200 million of wasteful spending by the Department of Defense. And he was ignored. Let’s look at some of the items the DoD felt was worth wasting your money on:

-An April 2004 purchase of two deep-fat fryers for $5,501.20 apiece; the same item was on the General Services Administration price list for $1,919.

-A December 2003 purchase of an electric waffle iron for $1,781.90, compared with the GSA price of $655.96.

-A January 2004 purchase of a $1,033 popcorn maker that could have been bought for $768.95.

-Four toasters bought in September 2003 for $1,025 apiece that other federal agencies were buying for $790.60.

It puzzles me to no end that some people claim that these people can run your health care and your pensions better than you can.