On Judicial Confirmations, CSE Members say “Enough is Enough!”

This summer, unyielding grassroots pressure from the Michigan chapter of Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE) is helping create the political momentum necessary for Congress to act on the issue of stalled judicial nominees. Volunteer activists in the state, tired of the inaction and political shenanigans of certain members of Congress on this issue, are raising awareness and lobbying Democratic Senators Carl Levin (D – MI) and Debbie Stabenow. Michigan CSE wants Sens. Stabenow and Levin to allow a vote on President Bush’s Judicial Nominations to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

CSE rallies at Levin and Stabenow’s district offices to raise awareness on the judicial confirmation crisis.

Since June, CSE members have held three rallies at the district offices for Sens. Levin and Stabenow, with activists waving signs and some dressed as judges bound together to symbolize the stalling tactics. Combined with a flood of phone calls and thousands of signed petitions from concerned taxpayers all over Michigan, the grassroots tactics of this dedicated bunch are generating quite a stir, even all the way back in Washington, D.C. Michigan press

outlets such as WHMI radio, The Livingston County Daily Press & Argus and The Ann Arbor News have busily been reporting on the actions of CSE on this issue. In addition, Congress Daily also recently highlighted CSE’s effectiveness, writing, “the Michigan issue is being lobbied heavily.
A Michigan branch of Citizens for a Sound Economy staged demonstrations outside Levin’s district office over the weekend and outside Stabenow’s district office Wednesday, including one man dressed as a judge with his hands tied behind his back symbolizing the inaction.”

The hard work of CSE activists has helped generate movement in Congress.

But in addition to the press attention, CSE’s hard work is making real progress with policy makers in Congress. Because of the intense pressure surrounding the judicial confirmation issue, Sens. Bill Frist (R-TN) and Mitch McConnell (R – KY) took action and issued a discharge petition to bring the vote on the nominees straight to the Senate floor. CSE will continue to keep up the pressure on Senators Levin, Stabenow, and others who continue to play politics with the American judicial system.