Obamacare Will Hurt Michigan

Michigan state is hurting and its failings can be traced to one party rule at the hands of Democrats and the unions (which are likely synonymous).  Detroit is now…

Oregon – Not As Liberal As You Might Think

Many outside Oregon have written off the state as a perennial loss for conservatives, owing to its deep blue liberal reputation. This reputation is brilliantly depicted in the IFC show…

Fatburger, Obamacare, and Responsibility

In Obama’s America, responsibility is not a virtue. In fact, those who act responsibly routinely get the short end of the stick. Why would anyone play by the rules when…

Arizonans Launch Campaign to Roll Back Obrewercare

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer earned much conservative praise for her colorful duels with President Obama. So Republicans from coast to coast were stunned to find her transformed into a passionate…