The Internet: 5 People to Decide Its Future!

Personal Freedom and Prosperity 110: The Rule of Law A government with moral and legal authority promulgates written rules and universally, impartially and uniformly enforces the rules, which provides…

Five Regulatory Fights for 2015

We all know that Congress has some big ticket items on its agenda for next year – repealing ObamaCare, balancing the budget, reining the president’s executive authority, but receiving less…

How the New Congress Can Protect Internet Freedom

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), spurred on by impassioned words from President Obama, is itching to enact stricter internet regulations next year. But there is a growing resistance among Republican…

The FTC vs. the FCC on Net Neutrality

A turf war among regulators may be shaping up in the battle over Net Neutrality. A group of 32 academics, who oppose Net Neutrality on free market grounds, are asking…

FCC Plans Phone Tax Hike

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is requesting an increase of $1.5 billion for its E-Rate program, citing the need for improved internet connectivity in public schools. This would represent…

Title II: a New Way to Tax the Internet

Mike O’Rielly, a commissioner at the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), is arguing that President Obama’s new proposal on Net Neutrality will result in an immediate tax on internet service…

Rebutting the President on Net Neutrality

Earlier this week, President Obama issued a statement encouraging the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to adopt stricter rules on Net Neutrality, a regulation that requires internet service providers (ISPs)…