There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow

Walt Disney once said, “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” This has always been…

The Pitfalls of Universal Pre-K

Around the country, Universal Pre-K has been an issue that has been getting a lot of discussion. During the 2016 election, Indiana gubernatorial candidates Democrat John Gregg and Republican…

The Hazard of Over Licensing

Usually, the average person wants to feel safe in our day to day lives. When they conduct business or make purchases, they want to believe that where they are making…

The Liberal Case for Neil Gorsuch

President Donald J. Trump has selected Neil Gorsuch, Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, as his nominee for the United States Supreme Court. Support…

An Opportunity with Betsy DeVos

The U.S. Senate has confirmed Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education. Despite opposition from teachers’ unions, DeVos was able to get the nomination with a confirmation vote from Vice President…

The Faux Threat of the Chinese Economy

China has been in the American political discourse quite a bit. Most recently, President Trump spent last year’s campaign saying “(China’s) killing us” economically. As has been the argument…