Cut Cronyism and Calories

The only thing growing faster than the government, it seems, is the waistline of the average American. Obesity rates have been on the rise over the past several decades, but…

The Next Single-Payer Failure

At the moment, California is considering the possibility of implementing a single-payer healthcare system. SB 562, the Healthy California Act, would essentially expand Medicare coverage so that it covered…

ObamaCare Turns Tax Day into Mandate Day

On April 15, 2015, Tax Day becomes Mandate Day. For the first time ever in American history, ObamaCare will begin to fine people for living without government approved health insurance.

States Suffer from ObamaCare Regulations

ObamaCare was supposed to reduce the cost of insurance, hence the Affordable Care Act. But is this really what it did? States with less regulations before the law was enacted…

The Myth of Free-Market Healthcare

Anyone who tries to tell you that the free market was the reason why nearly 15% of Americans were uninsured in 2008 is misleading you. The notion that a…