ObamaCare Deductibles Keep on Soaring

Over the past year or so, I’ve expended considerable ink on the underreported problem of ObamaCare deductibles. What few people understand about insurance is that you don’t…

Ways and Means Advances ObamaCare Repeal

The House Ways and Means Committee has advanced legislation that would repeal most of ObamaCare, including the individual and employer mandates, as well as multiple taxes imposed by the…

An Early Glimpse into HillaryCare 2.0

Over twenty years after the spectacular failure of "HillaryCare", Hillary Clinton is back in the health care debate. The collection of modest proposals she has made recently gives us a…

Owning Your Medical Care is a Human Right

Personal Freedom and Prosperity 102: Acquiring and Possessing Property That all Men are born equally free and independent, and have certain inherent natural Right…; among which are the Enjoyment…

The Government Wants to Regulate Your Personal Trainer

Professional licensure is a too-often ignored way for government to protect private monopolies, squash, competition, keep prices high, and reduce consumer choice. I’ve written extensively about the issue before, because…